Yeager Design and Interiors

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® 101 Workshop

2016-03-02 13.54.07

With our 5th Chalk Paint® 101 Workshop under our belt now, I cannot even express how wonderful it is to be a part of the Annie Sloan community and how amazing all of the men and women are who come to YDI to learn all about it!

This 101 Workshop featured a plinth-style wooden candle holder as everyone’s take home piece.

We all love teaching these workshops because we love seeing how excited everyone else gets. Chalk Paint® gives you the ability to transform everything from a candlestick holder to your front door or a great vintage furniture find. Maybe you’ve been given some pieces from a family member that you just can’t quite part with but they aren’t exactly your style. Now there is nothing holding you back! We give you the tools at our workshops to have the confidence to go home and tackle them.

We always start out our workshops with a little informational session and let the students check out all of the colors available to them and see some pieces that we’ve painted before.

Then they dive in! We love students who aren’t afraid of color! Our favorite part of the workshop is when we let everyone loose and we get to see what finish and colors they decide to use.

I’d chalk  this one up to another wildly fun and successful Chalk Paint® 101 Workshop! (See what I did there?) It’s always fun trying out a new project, and everyone seemed to really love their candle holders! So who knows…maybe we’ll bring them back again soon…

Until next time….happy painting!