Yeager Design and Interiors

Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan Cabinetry Workshop


And we’re back! We hope you all enjoyed your summer and the kiddos are all settled in to their school life routine. I always joke that at our house, we’re a full-tilt circus and this fall is absolutely no different. But amidst the chaos, we all have to make time for ourselves. My escape for the past year and a half has been using Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan and we just got so busy this summer that it’s been a while since I’ve tackled a project of my own. My husband found a great vintage bedroom suite for me and I knew it would be perfect for the guest room in our new house (with some Paris Grey and Black Wax of course!)

It never fails, every time I step back from a piece I’ve just transformed with Chalk Paint® I get a rush and start looking around at what else I can paint! Over the summer, we had a lot of people come in to the showroom asking about transforming their kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, or built ins that they have in their home. We were giving advice but sometimes it’s just easier to explain while you’re working on a project.

So we decided to teach a 101 Workshop that focused on the Annie Sloan products and techniques that would be beneficial to our clients when they tackle those big projects.

Because this was a little more intensive of a workshop, we decided to limit the workshop size to half of our usual big workshops. But not to worry! We’ll have another one of our famous workshops again later this fall.

We always tell clients who are looking to paint cabinetry that they should go forward with a light hand when it comes to Dark Wax, Black Wax, etc. On a furniture piece, especially when it has details that the wax can highlight, the waxes are drop dead gorgeous. But a little goes a long way when you’re looking for a factory finish for your cabinetry when it comes to Dark Wax ad Black Wax.

We leave for High Point Market on Thursday so we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for the next big workshop’s project! Wish us luck! Last time, we dug through and climbed over a garage bay through ships ladders, shutters, barrels, buckets, the list goes on and on. But it’s always worth it!

A huge thank you to all of the ladies that came out yesterday to enjoy a beautiful fall afternoon with us here at YDI. I’ve already gotten pictures from 3 of them that have started on their cabinets! Now that’s what I call motivation!

As always, you’re more than welcome to stop in or give me a call with any of your Chalk Paint® questions! It’s what we’re here for!

Until next time, happy painting!